Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Overall I think that my work has improved massively from my preliminary task to my music magazine as I have both better quality of images and text which made it Look and sound more professional. Another thing which I have improved is that I have managed to keep to more of a set theme, using the same colours, text style to give it a professional look. And  I think my music magazine was more successful as seen as I had a set target audience which meant that I would be able to make the magazine suit them, which it did.

Contents Page

I think that my contents page for my music magazine had massively improved from my Prelim as I had better knowledge of Photoshop and I knew some of the basic tool and techniques to make the contents page. I was able to easily add images, text and change fonts quite easily. Another way which my contents page has improved is the title of the page, as I have underlined it an changed the colours  around my music magazine title which makes it standout more and be bolder, it also looks more professional than the prelim. Another thing which has improved is the content, the images my music magazine which makes it look more professional.

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do what do I feel I have learnt in this progress from it to the full product

Preliminary Magazine Music Magazine One of the main big differences in the magazine is the quality of the images I have used, as the main image on the preliminary task is very blurry whilst the image on my music magazine is of a high standard of quality and this makes an immediate difference to the magazine. Another thing that has been improved in my music magazine is that the images which I have used are more organised and have boxes around them so that they become more defined.
The colour scheme on my music magazine has improved since my Preliminary task as it was mostly used by two colours and didn’t look colourful and attractive whilst the music magazine did this and had a wider colour scheme which meant that it was more appealing to my target audience. Another thing that has improved is that the whole of my front cover has a theme and all of the text used for cover lines is the same text which makes it look better rather that it being different text and looking as if it does not fit together. This is also why for the text I have stuck to 3 main colours as it keeps theme running throughout the magazine. My skills have improved on Photoshop as when creating the Preliminary magazine front cover I did not do any editing to the main image apart from enlarging the photo and rotating it.
Researching different front covers made a very big difference in my music magazine as it meant that I had examples to look and get inspiration from. In conclusion I think that my level of skills has developed massively between my Preliminary magazine and my music magazine as I think that my magazine has moved to a better quality of magazine and looks more professional. This is because the images, layout and titles are all of a high standard. Therefore I think I was successful in improving my magazine front cover.

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot from the process of constructing my magazine. From never using Photoshop to now having a completely new knowledge of how it for editing images and designing my magazine pages and identifying and using tools. Before i would use an image straight from the camera, whereas now i edit it using blending tools and brightness and contrast tool. This allows me to make the images look much more professional and suitable of my media product. At the beginning Photoshop was very stressful in that I didn't understand how to edit a simple picture, then with the help of my media teacher and tutorials on YouTube it slowly became more simple to use Photoshop.
I used other technologies such as the digital camera to take the images for my music magazine front, contents page and double page spread.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are a number of stores that would sell my magazine such as:
Newsagents and whsmith would sell these magazines because they try and sell a wide range of magazines to capture as many peoples attention as possible so that people feel obliged to go into the shop. Newsagents try and do this so that the customers that buy the magazine could buy something else as well. For example if a teen bought a magazine and saw a bottle  of coke  they would automatically buy it. Because its what the newsagents aim to do any way.
Supermarkets would sell my magazine because they try to sell as much as possible so you could buy as much items as possible from one store to make it easier for the customer. Also record stores would sell my ,magazine because they sell music anyway and it fits into the criteria .

How did I attract/address my audience?

In attracting my audience I had to include things that the specific age group that are suitable like, new signed/unsigned artists, gigs/concert promotion, music entertainment etc. In choosing who would feature on the front cover I decided to feature a young, fresh teen artist, not only the model but the shot type and background. I took many camera shots in various angels before I settled for a close-up shot, as the model looks straight at the camera making eye contact with the reader.
The colour scheme and layout of the magazine is important and how I attract my audience, the colours I chose I feel represent pop music and the magazine theme too.
i also attracted my audience by using web 2.0 and used social networking sites like twitter and facebook to do my questionnaire.

Pop Music My Audience Love Listening to.

 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend

One Diection-One Thing

Typical Reader Profile.

Ana is a 15 year old teenager, she lives in London with her parents ,two sisters and pet dog. Ana is a typical teenager as she loves fashion and loves shopping she also enjoys reading magazines and going out with friends. Ana is a great fan of Justin Bieber and she likes to call herself a Belieber (someone who believes in Bieber) Ana also enjoys reading about Justin Bieber and One Direction a lot!. Ana loves to be updated with the latest news of her role model Justin. Ana is looking to find a new pop magazine to read which helps her keep up with the music industry.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents particular social groups by focusing on a specific type of music. I purposely made my products to attract a variety of social groups on the pop hype. I didn't want to attract  one age group who like pop music because in a marketing business this will mean that my target audience would be restricted but mainly I think my magazine attracts mostly girls aged 14-17 and so the cover also shows young pop sensation I thought that it would be better to have a female as my main artist as the music industry is quite male dominated this would reflect the female target audience.